Online Digital Publications

1. The Daily Mail Title:

'At least TWENTY dead and 100 injured after gunman opens fire with hundreds of rounds on music festival from 32nd floor of Mandalay Bay hotel: Suspect killed as police hunt female Asian 'companion'.

2. The Guardian Title:

'Las Vegas shooting: death toll rises to 20 in Mandalay Bay casino attack - latest updates

1. The Daily Mail's online publication differs from a print publication because of many reasons such as; it's easier and quicker to access the information online rather than getting the newspaper. Because of this, there's a decline in people buying the newspaper as most people are just viewing the main articles online. Another main difference is the layout of the page, as online it's clear and bullet pointed to make it visually easier to read. also, there's more than one visual image for the main article as you have enough room on the page to add as many images, however in print publications, there's not many images included as they have to fit all the information in. Online publication differs from print publications because online, you are able to access videos relevant to the article. Moreover, this is not accessible in print publications. Online, there's also links on the article to read further on about the information, however, you cannot do this in a print publication. I think that the online platform attracts the same readership because, many of The Daily Mail audience's would rather read the articles online instead of buying a newspaper.

2. The Guardian's online publication differs from a print publication because online you can get quick updates on the news story that is recent, you wouldn't be able to get this in a print publication as it takes a long time to print.


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