
Old Spice

What is being sold?

Old Spice sells different products for men including: Deodrants, antiperspirants, fragrances, body spray, shampoos, body washes, soaps and styling. Old Spice is an American brand of male grooming products and is manufactured by Procter and Gamble. The type of product being sold in this particular advert is the shower gel which it at the price of around three pound.

Who is the target audience?

The target audience of this product is young men at the ages of 12-34. This is so that Old Spice can compete with the other company known as Axe. Old Spice were aiming to reach am audience of
guys who want to smell great, but not to take themselves too seriously. And therefore, they came up with the slogan 'Smell like a man, man'. Old Spice had created a niche for itself as a product for older, more serious men and they wanted to move away from that so they created a new audience.

What representations are evident in the advert?

The representations that are evident in this advert is how men are supposed to masculine by using the products from this brand. The advertising is quite comical as it makes fun out of society's idea of masculinity. However, this still affects the viewer's opinion of what a male should act and look like. The three main aspects of masculinity are: Physical strength and skill, power, success and wealth and sexual prowess. Moreover, at least one of these traits is emphasized in every Old Spice advert.

Why have such representations been employed?

These representations have been employed because if people start talking about the advertisements then it increases views and interest in the products by Old Spice. Therefore, this strategy of emphasizing masculinity in the adverts makes it more appealing for the audience which brings more profit for the company.

In what ways does the adverts appeal to the target audience?

These adverts encourage the young audience to be like the men represented on the adverts. The masculinity  shown throughout these adverts has an effect on the audience. The ideologies can have negative effects on a male as some of these expectations can not be reached. This can cause frustration and self identity issues and they can become less confident. However, the young audiences find the adverts appealing because they would look up to the male figure in the adverts as a role model and inspiration and they would want to become masculine like them.

Are the adverts successful?

The adverts produced by Old Spice are successful because the first advert "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like", was an overnight success and quickly became a cultural phenomenon and generated a significant word-of-mouth buzz online ad off-line also getting referenced by many celebrity fans. Another advert: "Questions", debuted in June 2010 and featured the same character, played by actor Isaiah Mustafa.


What is being sold?


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